Lemonade Revealed – Will Chluho

The pretty yellow cover caught her attention. She bought the book and mailed it to me as a Christmas present. This was how it began.

Life is sometimes strange. Things happen for a reason, or perhaps for no reason, or maybe for reasons unknown to us, yet. She got the book purely out of aesthetic value; I read the book simply out of curiosity (obligation too, perhaps?). This is how I fell in love with the book.

Definitely a literature book – this was what I had on my mind while reading the first few pages. A part of my mind was wondering where or how she found this book. This would have been a lovely corpse for me to dissect during my study; I can imagine the fun of tearing out the pages and rearranging them for different perspectives – not to be taken literally of course.

This book offers everything but confirms nothing (a line I picked up from my lecturer previously). Duality is the main theme in this book as everything has two sides to it. It all depends how you want to see it. The choice is yours, as it always has been.

I love this book, for the fact that it does paint a realistic picture, by emphasizing on aspects that are beyond our control, unlike many other inspirational books that offer the notion of “if you think you can, you can”. (Wake up.)

But rather, it encourages people to do their best, and leave the rest (to the wind). Patience and foresight are very much needed then, as immediate results may not always be as desired but could very well be the best outcome at present.

This book has plenty of rereading value as it provides endless insights (but only if you have an open mind). The main takeaway for me in this first read is that “being good is not the same as being nice”; achievable only by people with a strong heart and a firm mind.

A big thank you to her, for placing the book in my path, somehow. I will be reading it again but I can lend it to you first …
